Saturday, August 15, 2015

Just because it fits... [Breakup Part 1]

[[This blog has been stagnate for a while - so I've decided to share a bit of my story instead of another project. I hope you enjoy!!]]

My name is Abby.
I don't often date.
Never introduced a boy to my family.
Never introduced a boy to my church family.
Never introduced a boy to my extended family <-- that would scare anyone!

but I recently got into a relationship.
Sam loves God and loves me.
But just because it fits doesn’t mean it’s right.

Let me explain. I use to carry about 60 extra pounds and I got into the habit of buying any piece of clothing that fit because I rarely found anything I liked (hence, my roommates will attest that I have quite a shoe collection!). I’ve been finding myself in dressing rooms lately thinking, “Abby, you don’t have to buy it just because it fits!” – um, or am I the only one who talks to themselves like this? smile emoticon

I’ve literally had to adjust my mindset from “This is the only opportunity I’ll have to buy a dress that fits” to “Is what I’m going to pay for this dress, that fits nicely, worth it?”

My point is that just because it fits doesn’t mean it’s always right. This week I heard God loud and clear in my heart and mind that Sam and I are a good fit but we’re not right. It’s a heart wrenching lesson, decision and an even worse conversation to have.

God reassured me that this is not the only opportunity I’ll have to find a man who fits into my life!

I tell you this, friends, not to find sympathy but to encourage you to SEEK GOD and LISTEN to His voice. He wants to give us direction, to protect and guide us through the best life that we could have. TRUST in Him! Being in the right relationship at the right time is so much sweeter then just being in any relationship.
I think God gave me the last couple of months with Sam to teach me this lesson. And I am very grateful! ‪#‎lessonlearned‬

God loves us. First. Forever.
(Do you hear God through music? Me too.. check this out:

Father, we trust You with our hearts, minds and love lives. Guard our hearts for the right relationship. Open up the floodgates of Heaven and pour down Your perfect love. We want to honor You with everything we say and do! Thank you for caring enough to gently guide us through life. Let us hear from You. You are our first love – our #1! heart emoticon
(Another good one:

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