Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Moving & Learning Along the Way

Learning the Way of St. James

(If you are new to Coffee, Crafts & Conversation, here is the basis of my recent posts: My next great adventure is beginning on July 10th, 2016 when I'll be flying to Spain for the summer. July & August will be spent with a wonderful family serving as their aupair and the last month I'll be hiking El Camino de Santiago [which is a 500 mile pilgrimage] through the country with a friend.)

In order to be honest about this season of excitement, expectation and uncertainty - I want to share what was put on my heart the last couple of days.

In addition to flying over to Spain for the summer, I am moving out of my current apartment and into a new one. I've been preparing my belongings, planning the next steps, donating clothes, moving boxes and this week my brother and boyfriend moved my dressers and bed out.

As I was putting together my last box and packing up my clothes for the summer, there was a lot of huffing & puffing... Not physically but emotionally. My little sister kept asking, "Are you doing okaaaaay?" (She nannies 3 year olds so this is a normal conversation for her...) Oddly, I felt sad and hesitant to leave..

So... In spite of my feelings, I pulled my suitcases up the stairs, loaded my car and drove away.

That night, sitting by the pool at my parents house, I was asking God why I was feeling upset/overwhelmed. In the last 4 months of prepping, this is the first time I've had any type of negative feelings. God poked my spirit and pointed out that leaving my current place makes my life shifts so much more real! With the season of uncertainty beginning.

Uncertainty means no control. It means learning trust.


This shift got me thinking about James, the Apostle who we are walking the Camino in honor of.

James' family was in the business of fishing. He was in a boat with his dad & brother, John, when Jesus called James & John into Ministry with Him [Mt 4:21-22]. The bible says that James IMMEDIATELY dropped everything and began following and serving Jesus.

James was eager to be called! Eager to fulfill his purpose. So eager that he left his family's business, left his father and the places he was most comfortable with.

James becomes one of Jesus' closest friends and part of the inner circle along with John & Peter. James, John & Peter witnessed Jesus' transfiguration [Mk 9:2-13], saw Elijah and Moses and heard the voice of God [Mk 9:2-13], had a lot of personal time with Jesus [Mk 9:2-13, Mk 1:29], witnessed MANY miracles including healing, deliverance and raising people from the dead [Mk 5:37-43]. James went with Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane the night Jesus was arrested [Mt 26:37] and saw Jesus after the resurrection [Jn 20:19-20].

Maybe James had hesitated in the past and missed opportunities but when Jesus invited him on His journey in Mt 4:21-22, James did not hesitate.

Studying James encourages me to go boldly towards where God calls - this is the Way of St. James!! Serve well, ask questions, honor God and He will bring you to places you never could have imagined.

All this to say, I am James. and I hope you are too!



Friday, June 24, 2016

Training for the Camino (Pt 1)

Preparing for El Camino de Santiago del Norte
(or lack of preparation)

(If you are new to Coffee, Crafts & Conversation, here is the basis of my recent posts: My next great adventure is beginning on July 10th, 2016 when I'll be flying to Spain for the summer. July & August will be spent with a wonderful family serving as their aupair and the last month I'll be hiking El Camino de Santiago [which is a 500 mile pilgrimage] through the country with a friend.)

El Camino de Santiago del Norte is also known as The Way of St. James - northern route.
In preparation for our 500 mile hike across Spain, Debbie and I got in one good practice hike in addition to the training we've been doing separately, as an indicator of where our endurance is.

Debbie and I @ the beginning of the walk
Feeling strong 1/2 way through!
We wore our hiking shoes and backpacks that were purchased for the trip. Debbie bought a 25L REI Daypack and mine is 40L REI Trail Pack - we were professionally fitted at REI and choose the backpack that was most comfortable. They will only weigh 12-15LBS with minimal supplies, clothing and only one "luxury" item. I haven't decided if my luxury item will be mascara or a light scarf. (I'll post our packing list when it gets closer!)

Practice hike on 6/18/16

We made 12 miles in 3.5 hours stopping for a 30 minute break twice. It was a good pace - one I think we'll be able to maintain for the entire 26 day trip. Our best-case-scenario goal will be to walk 20 miles per day.

We made it!
We came out of the woods looking a little delusional but EXCITED for the trip! The journey is not about getting to the end or reaching the daily goal, the journey is about.. the journey. It's about deepening our friendship with each other, seeking the Lord and hearing from Him along The Way.

I've heard it said that on the Camino 3 things, at the very least, will change from within.
  1. You'll be reminded on one thing
  2. You'll learn one thing
  3. You'll let go of one thing


We'll be walking Camino del Norte (806KM)


he Northern Way follows the gorgeous Northern coast of Spain starting in Saint-Jean-Peid-de-Port and going through Bilbao, Laredo, Santander, Gijion and then to Santiago de Compostela which is approximately 500 miles.

"The Camino del Norte starts in the Basque Country, in the chic sea-side city of San Sebastián (Donosti in Basque), a real paradise for foodies: it is in fact in the top 10 cities with highest number of Michelin stars in Europe. The Northern Way follows the coast line for most of the way so you can discover charming fishing villages, swim in beautiful sandy beaches and taste delicious seafood. Feel inspired at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao; stroll by the elegant royal palace in Santander; sample Asturias famous cider; stay in lively seaside towns and admire the natural beauty of the Northern coast of ‘Green Spain’." (

Pilgrims have been trekking this route or a variation of it for over 1,000 years with anywhere from 100-1,500 starting at different points each day! Some walk it to honor the Apostle James and others in the midst of their own spiritual journey. Along the route are centuries of historic and religious European architecture.

Debbie and I will be starting the day with a devotional based on a book from Tony Stoltzfus called Questions for Jesus. At the end of the daily devotion are 3-4 big questions for Jesus to meditate on during the day.

After all, Matthew & James were disciples of Jesus together and Matthew 7:7 says, 
“Ask, and it will be given to you; 
seek, and you will find; 
knock, and it will be opened to you."
James is talking to early Jewish Christians in James 1:5 when he says,
"If any of you lacks wisdom, 
you should ask God, 
who gives generously to 
all without finding fault, 
and it will be given to you."

Thanks for joining me along The Way!



Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Adventure!!

The countdown is ON until July 10th when I leave my family’s business, comfortable home, amazing friends & family, incredible boyfriend and fly off to SPAIN for 3 months.

The trip originated with an inquiry to my friend/mentor Debbie begging for a trip to shake up our lives – we’d been talking about doing a mission trip to Jamaica or Kanya to get a new perspective and appreciation for life. Debbie suggested doing El Camino de Santiago. My eyes watered – I’d always wanted to do a pilgrimage! El Camino de Santiago (also known as The Way of St. James) is most famously known as the route that the disciples of James, the brother of John and disciple of Jesus, carried his body after he was murdered and buried his bones in Santiago where a big cathedral was built in his honor.

The Camino sea shell guides the way
Thousands of pilgrims a year have walked this route - some with the same basis of faith and some without. But everyone finishes a different person. The walk is known to deepen your faith and broaden your perspective.

Debbie & I decided we were going to take 3 weeks, fly to Spain, walk 500 miles and come home as different people. 


Out of the blue, a friend of mine posted on facebook that he has a friend in Barcelona that was looking for an AuPair for the summer. On a whim, I sent an email to the family and waited (very impatiently) for a response. They replied, we had a FaceTime interview the next week and after interviewing a few other applicants, they offered me the job the following week.

The deal is, I’ll fly to Barcelona on July 10th and we’ll spend the weekdays in the city and the weekends at their summer home in Cadaques in September and then in August we’ll be going full-time to the summer home on the Mediterranean Sea in Caqaques.

Cadaques, Spain
Debbie will fly in on September 11th and we’ll head to Saint-Jean-Peid-de-Port, Spain in order to begin our 500 mile walk to Santiago along the northern coast of the country. Along the route, we’ll stay in hostiles, eat with locals and walk 12-20 miles a day through the Pyrenees Mountains. We are prepared for blisters, scraps, lost toe nails, laughter, tears, good food, uncomfortable beds, new friends, and most importantly, we’re prepare to hear from God along The Way.

The Northern Route on El Camino de Santiago

Pilgrims trekking through the Pyrenees Mountains

Please join me along the way – each vulnerable, precious moment of the journey.



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Who is Ezekiel? Who am I?

"He said to me, “Son of man,[a] stand up on your feet and I will speak to you.As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me. He said: “Son of man, I am sending you..."" [Ezekial 2:1-3a]

Since I was 5 I have been searching for my purpose. I remember being a pre-teen asking my dad, "What am I here for? What is the point? What should I do with my life?" He answered, "Hm, 6th grade is your purpose right now."

This search for purpose, having a plan and being used has not gone away. Actually, it is increasingly becoming more and more a part of my daily life as each day, week, month, and year passes. 

I was sitting in my War Chair this morning (if you haven't seen the movie War Room, rent it tonight and find yourself a War Room, War Corner or War Chair).. so I was sitting in my War Chair this morning praying, or shamelessly begging, to hear from God. 

The name Ezekiel popped into my head. 
I pushed it away thinking, "Oh, I overheard Debbie talking about him... GOD, speak to me!" 
Popped back in my mind: "Ezekiel."
I thought, "Hmm.. who is Ezekiel?"
Okay, I get it. 

My bible quickly opened up to the book of Ezekiel who was a Prophet from the Old Testament. The first chapter is about a vision he has of mystical creatures who have a 4-sided head, wings, extra eyeballs and bazaar features that are worshipping God in Heaven. This is not exactly what I was looking for when seeking purpose, encouragement and healing.

BUT the first part of Chapter 2 hit me to the core.

"This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking. He said to me, “Son of man,[a] stand up on your feet and I will speakto you.” As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me. He said: “Son of man, I am sending you...""
[Ezekiel 1:28b-2:1-3a]

Ezekiel saw what appeared to be the likeness of the glory of the Lord and fell facedown in awe & wonder. He didn't see God, he saw what looked like the glory of Him! Can you imagine how magnificent that was?!  BUT then it got better - God starting speaking to him. The Lord instructed Ezekiel to stand in order to hear what He had to say but Ezekiel wasn't able to stand on his own. Maybe he was scared, unsure of what he heard or he wasn't listening (um, man ears?)... either way, Ezekiel didn't move a muscle. "AS HE SPOKE", the bible says, "the Spirit came into me and raised me." God gave Ezekiel an instruction that He knew Ezekiel couldn't do on his own SO THAT God could help him succeed.

God poked my heart. As we humble ourselves before the thorn in adoration and genuine awe, the Lord will 1) instruct, 2) help 3) speak & 4) send.

If I were in Ezekiel's sandals, I think the biggest lesson learned from this moment would be the sovereign power of God. To realize He is the One who possesses supreme and ultimate power; to trust that He knows us better than we know ourselves. God knew that Ezekiel would need help before he asked - as God spoke the words, "stand up to your feet" the Spirit came along side to help fulfill the words of the Lord. The Spirit put him in the place God needed him to be to receive his blessing. 

What does that mean for us? 

As a Christian, we are part of God's family, part of a great plan.
Similar to Ezekiel, we can trust that God will guide us into and through His perfect will AND that He'll help us along the way. Sometimes that means not getting the job, losing a friend along the journey or being held back when you are trying to push forward. I believe that God DOES give us more than we can handle SO THAT He can help us succeed. 

I hope you find the same encouragement from this that I do. Knowing that I am often unprepared to move forward although desperately wanting to, that I'm not where I want to be but far from where I started, finding hope and trust that God is helping to bring me where He has called me.

God's purpose for our life is way bigger than we could ever dream or imagine if we let Him lead the way!

Pray with me::
Oh, Sovereign God, thank you for caring enough about us to give us the gift of free will. Thank you for walking along side us as we navigate through our greatest adventure, life. We want nothing more than to be at the center of Your perfect plan. As we worship You, I ask that You'll fill our hearts with You love and our minds with dreams, visions and ideas.
We give you our lives. Thank you, Father. 
In Your perfect name we pray together, Amen.