Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Moving & Learning Along the Way

Learning the Way of St. James

(If you are new to Coffee, Crafts & Conversation, here is the basis of my recent posts: My next great adventure is beginning on July 10th, 2016 when I'll be flying to Spain for the summer. July & August will be spent with a wonderful family serving as their aupair and the last month I'll be hiking El Camino de Santiago [which is a 500 mile pilgrimage] through the country with a friend.)

In order to be honest about this season of excitement, expectation and uncertainty - I want to share what was put on my heart the last couple of days.

In addition to flying over to Spain for the summer, I am moving out of my current apartment and into a new one. I've been preparing my belongings, planning the next steps, donating clothes, moving boxes and this week my brother and boyfriend moved my dressers and bed out.

As I was putting together my last box and packing up my clothes for the summer, there was a lot of huffing & puffing... Not physically but emotionally. My little sister kept asking, "Are you doing okaaaaay?" (She nannies 3 year olds so this is a normal conversation for her...) Oddly, I felt sad and hesitant to leave..

So... In spite of my feelings, I pulled my suitcases up the stairs, loaded my car and drove away.

That night, sitting by the pool at my parents house, I was asking God why I was feeling upset/overwhelmed. In the last 4 months of prepping, this is the first time I've had any type of negative feelings. God poked my spirit and pointed out that leaving my current place makes my life shifts so much more real! With the season of uncertainty beginning.

Uncertainty means no control. It means learning trust.


This shift got me thinking about James, the Apostle who we are walking the Camino in honor of.

James' family was in the business of fishing. He was in a boat with his dad & brother, John, when Jesus called James & John into Ministry with Him [Mt 4:21-22]. The bible says that James IMMEDIATELY dropped everything and began following and serving Jesus.

James was eager to be called! Eager to fulfill his purpose. So eager that he left his family's business, left his father and the places he was most comfortable with.

James becomes one of Jesus' closest friends and part of the inner circle along with John & Peter. James, John & Peter witnessed Jesus' transfiguration [Mk 9:2-13], saw Elijah and Moses and heard the voice of God [Mk 9:2-13], had a lot of personal time with Jesus [Mk 9:2-13, Mk 1:29], witnessed MANY miracles including healing, deliverance and raising people from the dead [Mk 5:37-43]. James went with Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane the night Jesus was arrested [Mt 26:37] and saw Jesus after the resurrection [Jn 20:19-20].

Maybe James had hesitated in the past and missed opportunities but when Jesus invited him on His journey in Mt 4:21-22, James did not hesitate.

Studying James encourages me to go boldly towards where God calls - this is the Way of St. James!! Serve well, ask questions, honor God and He will bring you to places you never could have imagined.

All this to say, I am James. and I hope you are too!



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